Search an element in a Linked List (Iterative ) in C++

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Hello learners, today in this tutorial we will learn how to search an element in a Singly Linked List iteratively in C++ using an easy and comprehensible example. Initially, we have to create a singly linked list and then using the search function we have to find whether the given element is present in the list or not.

Firstly we have to make a class Node which contains the data and link part of the node and another class name solution which contains three functions append_node(), display(), and search(). Let’s see the approach for further simplification.


  1. Create two classes one for the node and the second class containing all the functions.

  2. append_node() -> To crate the linked list, Search() -> To search the element, display() -> To display the linked list.

  3. In bool Search(int find), Initialize the *CurrentNode = root.

  4. Do the following steps in a while (CurrentNode != NULL).

  5. If CurrentNode -> data == find, return True.

  6. Else CurrentNode = Current -> link.

  7. Outside the while loop, return false.

Firstly try it by yourself before seeing the solution.

Here is the Code:

using namespace std;

class Node{
    int data;
    Node *link;
        Node(int d){
            data = d;
            link =  NULL;
class Solution{

    void appendNode(int d);
    bool searchElement(int find);
    void display();


Node *root = NULL;  // Root or Head

void Solution::appendNode(int data){

    Node *temp;
    temp = new Node(data);

    if(root == NULL)
    root = temp;

        Node *p = root;
        while(p->link != NULL)
        p = p->link;

        p->link = temp;

bool Solution::searchElement(int find){
    Node *current = root;

    while (current != NULL)  
        if (current->data == find)  
            return true;  
        current = current->link;  
    return false;
void Solution::display(){

    Node *current = root;

    while(current->link != NULL)
        std::cout << current->data << " >> "  ;

        current = current->link;

    cout << current->data << "\n";

int main()
        Solution myList;
        int find = 30;

        // Creation of Linked List



        std::cout << "Is the element "<< find << " is in the list" << std::endl;

        myList.searchElement(find)? cout<<"YES" : cout<<"NO"; 

    return 0;

10 >> 20 >> 30 >> 40 >> 50
Is the element 30 is in the list

Hope this article was helpful to you. Keep Coding Keep Learning.