C++ program to find Height of a complete binary tree (or Heap) with N nodes
Hello learners, today in this tutorial we will learn how to find the height of a complete binary tree with N nodes in C++ using some easy and comprehensible examples. A binary tree is mainly of 5 types, Perfect Binary Tree, Full Binary Tree, Balanced Binary Tree, Complete Binary Tree, and A degenerate Tree. Let’s discuss this in additional detail.
Complete Binary Tree (Binary Heap): A complete binary tree is a binary tree in which every level is filled, except possibly the last one, and all nodes are as left as possible.
Now we have N nodes in a tree and we have to find the height of a tree. Firstly try to find out a pattern by yourself then see the code. So, I hope you have tried and found the pattern and if not so let’s dive into the code to make it more clear.
Height of Complete Binary tree : [ ceil(log2(nodes + 1)) – 1 ].
using namespace std;
int main(){
unsigned int nodes, height;
cout << "Enter the number of nodes in a complete binary tree : ";
cin >> nodes;
if(nodes == 0)
height = 0;
height = ceil(log2(nodes + 1)) - 1;
cout << "Height of the Binary Tree is : " << height << " \n ";
return 0;
Enter the number of nodes in a complete binary tree: 10
Height of the Binary Tree is : 3
I hope this article was helpful to you. Keep Coding Keep Learning.